Now showing items 21-29 of 29

    • Pathways from school to work in the developing world 

      Manacorda, Marco; Rosati, Furio Camillo; Ranzani, Marco; Dachille, Giuseppe (SpringerOpen, 2017)
      This paper uses novel micro data from the ILO-STWT surveys to provide evidence on the duration, endpoint, and determinants of the transition from school to work in a sample of 23 low- and middle-income countries around the ...
    • Política Nacional de Competitividad y Productividad. Documento resumen 

      Perú. Consejo Nacional de Competitividad y Formalización (Consejo Nacional de Competitividad y Formalización, 2019-01)
      Aumentar el bienestar para todos los peruanos, sobre la base de un crecimiento sostenible, es el objetivo principal de la Política Nacional de Competitividad y Productividad (PNCP). Para ello, el aumento de la productividad ...
    • Re-Imagining School Feeding : A High-Return Investment in Human Capital and Local Economies 

      Bundy, Donald, ed.; Silva, Nilanthi de, ed.; Horton, Susan, ed.; Jamison, Dean T., ed.; Patton, George C., ed.; Bundy, Donald; Silva, Nilanthi de; Horton, Susan; Patton, George C.; Schultz, Linda; Jamison, Dean T.; Galloway, Ray; Bing Wu, Kin; Azzopardi, Peter; Kennedy, Elissa; Coffey, Carolyn; Mokdad, Ali; Alderman, Harold; Behrman, Jere R.; Glewwe, Paul; Fernald, Lia C.; Walker, Susan P.; Watkins, Kristie L.; Fink, Günther; Georgiadis, Andreas; Viner, Russell M.; Allen, Nicholas B.; Grigorenko, Elena L; Lassi, Zohra; Moin, Anoosh; Bhutta, Zulfiqar; Drake, Lesley; Fernandes, Meena; Aurino, Elisabetta; Kiamba, Josephine; Giyose, Boitshepo; Burbano de Lara, Carmen; Alderman, Harold; Mai, Lu; Mitchell, Arlene; Gelli, Aulo; Appleby, Laura J.; Bradley, Mark; Croke, Kevin; Hollingsworth, T. Deirdre; Pullan, Rachel; Turner, Hugo C.; Graham, Hugo C.; Mitra, Sophie; Mont, Daniel; Black, Maureen M.; Gove, Amber; Merseth, Katherine A.; Sarr, Bachir; Banham, Louise; Colenso, Peter; Drake, Lesley; Plaut, Daniel; Thomas, Milan; Hill, Tara; Worthington, Jordan; Burnett, Nicholas; Walque, Damien de; Gertler, Paul; Hidrobo, Melissa; Nandi, Arindam; Behrman, Jere R.; Bhalotra, Sonia; Deolalikar, Anil B.; Laxminarayan, Ramanan; Verguet, Stéphane; Filippi, Véronique (Banco Mundial, 2018)
      Analysis shows that a quality education, combined with a guaranteed package of health and nutrition interventions at school, such as school feeding, can contribute to child and adolescent development and build human capital. ...
    • Returns to Skills Around the World : Evidence from PIAAC 

      Hanushek, Eric A.; Schwerdt, Guido; Wiederhold, Simon; Woessmann, Ludger (OECD, 2013-12)
      Existing estimates of the labor-market returns to human capital give a distorted picture of the role of skills across different economies. International comparisons of earnings analyses rely almost exclusively on school ...
    • Scaling Access & Impact : Realizing the Power of EdTech. Executive Summary 

      Omiyad Network (Omiyad Network, 2019-03)
      This report summarizes the findings of a study commissioned by Omidyar Network to evaluate what might be necessary to enable, scale, and sustain Equitable EdTech on a national basis. The Institute examined initiatives in ...
    • Subnational variations in educational attainment and labour market outcomes 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2016-07)
      Levels of educational attainment do not only vary among countries, but also within them. In many countries, people with tertiary education – usually the most skilled people – are more highly represented in the capital ...
    • The Effects of Financial Aid and Returns Information in Selective and Less Selective Schools : Experimental Evidence from Chile 

      Busso, Matías; Dinkelman, Taryn; Martínez, Claudia; Romero, Dario (BID, 2016-11)
      Schools that provide higher education often belong to either a merit-based selective system or an open-access less selective system. This paper presents the results of a field experiment that provided Grade 12 students in ...
    • What Really Works to Improve Learning in Developing Countries? : An Analysis of Divergent Findings in Systematic Reviews 

      Evans, David K.; Popova, Anna (World Bank, 2015-02)
      In the past two years alone, at least six systematic reviews or meta-analyses have examined the interventions that improve learning outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. However, these reviews have sometimes reached ...
    • Who are the academic all-rounders? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2013-08)
      On average across OECD countries, around 4% of students are top performers in reading, mathematics and science (all-rounders). Australia, Finland, Hong Kong-China, Japan, New Zealand, Shanghai-China and Singapore have ...