Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Boys Live Dangerously in the Womb 

      Eriksson, J.G.; Kajantie, E.; Osmond, C.; Thornburg, K.; Barker, D.J. (Human Biology Association, 2010)
      The growth of every human fetus is constrained by the limited capacity of the mother and placenta to deliver nutrients to it. At birth, boys tend to be longer than girls at any placental weight. Boy’s placentas may therefore ...
    • Desarrollo en América Latina 2000 – 2013 

      IIPE. Instituto Internacional de Planificación de la Educación; OEI. Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (UNESCO, 2015)
      La población latinoamericana asciende a 590 mil millones de personas. Brasil y México concentran el 54% de la población. Durante el período 2000 – 2013 la población latinoamericana creció un 18%. La primera infancia está ...
    • Infection, inflammation, height, and longevity 

      Crimmins, Eileen M.; Finch, Caleb E. (PNAS, 2006)
      Using historical data from cohorts born before the 20th century in four northern European countries, we show that increasing longevity and declining mortality in the elderly occurred among the same birth cohorts that ...
    • Investing against Evidence : The Global State of Early Childhood Care and Education 

      Marope, P.T.M., ed.; Kaga, Y., ed. (UNESCO, 2015)
      Brain development is most remarkable in early childhood. Providing supportive conditions for early learning and development is more effective and less costly than trying to remedy the consequences of early adversities ...