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dc.contributor.authorBanco Mundial
dc.description.abstractThis report presents the final results and conclusions of a multi-year program developed by a team comprising Bank staff and first-rate Peruvian researchers, which provides policy-relevant analysis of the constraints to labor market entry for low income workers. Expanding employment opportunities and addressing the deficits in skills of large segments of the labor force have become a central concern for policy makers, the business community, academics, and the society at large in Peru. The Bank has undertaken significant analyses of the macro and micro-constraints to sustaining strong economic growth and the links to quality job creation in Peru. This work focuses on the less analyzed market and institutional failures affecting skills formation and labor market insertion in urban areas region–especially the segment which demands less skilled labor– with the aim to inform the development of evidence-based policy options for addressing these problems.en_US
dc.publisherBanco Mundialen_US
dc.subjectMercado de trabajoen_US
dc.titleStrengthening Skills and Employability in Peru : Final Reporten_US
dc.typeReporte técnicoen_US

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