Education resource projections in the context of sector-wide development planning
It summarizes the presentations and debates of the participants in the “UNESCO Technical Workshop on Sector-Wide Education Resource Projections”, which UNESCO organized in Paris, France, from 6 to 10 June 2005. The World Education Forum, held in Dakar in 2005, recommended that all States, building on existing national sector strategies, should develop or strengthen national plans of action by 2002 for achieving the six EFA goals and affirmed that “no countries seriously committed to education for all will be thwarted in their achievement of this goal by a lack of resources”. Serious commitment of Governments is to be underpinned by a clear political will and stronger national leadership for the effective and successful implementation of these goals; furthermore, it has to be transcribed into credible education sector development plans, which are reviewed in light of the six EFA goals and fully integrated into broader national development frameworks, with the costing of the domestic resources likely to be made available and the financial gaps that need to be filled.