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dc.contributor.authorSperling, Gene B.
dc.contributor.authorWinthrop, Rebecca
dc.contributor.authorKwauk, Christina
dc.description.abstractThis book shows clearly what girls and women themselves have known across generations: the world cannot afford to NOT educate its girls. Girls’ education is the key to our new and better future. The key to increased health, prosperity, and security. If the world’s leaders truly want to invest in this future then they must deliver on their promises and start investing in books, in education—in hope for girls who have too often been left behind. This book also reminds us that the world has set its ambition for education too low for too long and shows how we can help girls stay in school for longer. A quality basic education is a first and necessary step but if we are to truly see the power of girls to transform our world we must aim higher and secure a full course of primary and secondary education for every girl. As my father always believed for me and as I now believe for every girl, basic education begins to unlock girls’ potential but secondary education provides them with the wings to fly: to transform not only their lives but the lives of their families and their communities. This book shows the world that it must do more for girls’ education if it is to secure the future it wants. It also shows how this can be done from primary through secondary school. But the reason I welcome this book above all else is because it shows us that any efforts to get all girls into school will not work unless they address the violence and conflict that can stop girls from learning.es_ES
dc.publisherBrookings Institutiones_ES
dc.subjectEducación de la mujeres_ES
dc.subjectRevisión sistemáticaes_ES
dc.subjectFinanciamiento de la educaciónes_ES
dc.subjectViolencia contra la mujeres_ES
dc.subjectPaíses en desarrolloes_ES
dc.subjectCalidad de la educaciónes_ES
dc.titleWhat Works in Girl´s Education : evidence for the World´s Best Investmentes_ES

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