Now showing items 8908-8927 of 9728

    • SOS profesión docente : al rescate del currículum escolar 

      Vaillant, Denise (UNESCO, 2006)
      Analiza el contexto de actuación de los docentes latinoamericanos examinando sus principales rasgos; describiendo el tipo de formación recibida e identificando las representaciones y visiones imperantes sobre diferentes ...
    • Sparking Innovation in STEM Education with Technology and Collaboration 

      Kärkkäinen, Kiira; Vincent-Lancrin, Stéphan (OECD, 2013-04)
      This report highlights innovative technology-supported pedagogic models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, explores what to expect from collaboration in a designed network, and, thereafter, ...
    • Spatial mapping for improved intra-urban education planning 

      UNESCO; Viteri Chavez, Filiberto (UNESCO, 2016)
      The main objective of the paper is to support the understanding of intra-urban inequalities and challenges, through the development of detailed maps to demonstrate educational and other system-wide inequalities. The ...
    • Speech Remediation of Long-Term Stuttering: A Case History 

      McMicken, Betty L.; Vento-Wilson, Margaret T. (SAGE, 2013)
      This research article describes the remediation of moderate stuttering in an adult client who experienced speech dysfluency For more than 40 years. Treatment took place at an urban residential rehabilitation mission where ...
    • Spinoza, la filosofía en la escuela, y la alegría del pensar 

      Pac, Andrea (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2013)
      El trabajo aborda el punto de vista del pensar como ‘virtud’ y no como habilidad cognitiva. La noción de pensamiento y de alegría en Espinosa es el punto de apoyo de una concepción no instrumental de la filosofía. La ...
    • SSES : Estudio sobre Habilidades Sociales y Emocionales 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Oficina de Medición de la Calidad de los Aprendizajes (PEMinisterio de Educación, 2023)
      Por primera vez, este año, el Perú participará en el Estudio sobre Habilidades Sociales y Emocionales (SSES, por sus siglas en inglés) que lleva a cabo la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). ...
    • Stand Against Bullying : An Experimental School Intervention 

      Gutierrez, Italo; Molina, Oswaldo; Ñopo, Hugo (IZA. Institute of Labor Economics, 2018-06)
      Despite the growing evidence on the negative consequences of school bullying, there is no consensus regarding the most effective strategies to fight this problem. The authors study the impact of a randomized intervention ...
    • Starting Together, Growing Apart : Gender Gaps in Learning From Preschool to Adulthood in Four Developing Countries 

      Singh, Abhijeet; Krutikova, Sofya (Young Lives, 2017)
      This working paper studies the evolution of gender gaps in multiple cognitive skills from the ages of 5 to 19 years old, using Young Lives unique panel data from Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam; it is the most extensive ...
    • Strengthening Skills and Employability in Peru : Final Report 

      Banco Mundial (Banco Mundial, 2011-05-23)
      This report presents the final results and conclusions of a multi-year program developed by a team comprising Bank staff and first-rate Peruvian researchers, which provides policy-relevant analysis of the constraints to ...
    • Stress ocupacional e alteração do Estatuto da Carreira Docente português 

      Gomes, A. Rui; Peixoto, Ana; Pacheco, Rute; Silva, Maria (Universidade de São Paulo, 2012)
      Este estudo foi realizado com 1.162 professores e teve como objetivo analisar a experiência de stress e a síndrome de burnout antes e após a alteração do Estatuto da Carreira Docente em Portugal. Assim, foram efetuadas ...
    • Student Learning Time : A Literature Review 

      Gromada, Anna; Shewbridge, Claire (OECD, 2016-02)
      This paper examines student learning time as a key educational resource. It presents an overview of how different OECD countries allocate instruction time. It also develops a model to understand the effective use of allocated ...
    • Student Motivation as Hierarchical and Multidimensional: Cross-cultural Validation of Personal Investment Theory in the Philippines 

      Bornasal King, Ronnel; Agustin Ganotice, Fraide Jr. (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2013)
      Personal investment theory presents a hierarchical and multidimensional model of motivational goals that influence important academic outcomes. The aim of this study was to examine the cross-cultural validity of this model ...
    • Student motivation in supplemental science programs 

      Hudley, Cynthia; Chhuon, Vichet; Carranza, Francisco; González, Amber (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2009)
      Two studies examined students’ science motivation at two supplemental science programs, After School Science (N = 22) and Summer Science Camp (N = 33). We surveyed students at each program and interviewed staff members to ...
    • Student Standardised Testing : Current Practices in OECD Countries and a Literature Review 

      Morris, Allison (OECD, 2011-10)
      This report discusses the most relevant issues concerning student standardised testing in which there are no-stakes for students ("standardised testing") through a literature review and a review of the trends in standardised ...
    • Students, Computers and Learning : Making the Connection 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2015-10)
      This report provides a first-of-its-kind internationally comparative analysis of the digital skills that students have acquired, and of the learning environments designed to develop these skills. This analysis shows that ...
    • Stylized Facts about the Quantity and Quality of Parental Time Investments on the Skill Formation of Their Children 

      Torres, Javier; Agüero, Jorge M. (BID, 2017-03)
      This paper uses seven nationally representative time use surveys in Latin America to identify key stylized facts regarding the quantity and quality of parental time investment on the skill formation of their children. ...
    • Sub Sistema de Seguimiento, Análisis y Evaluación de Planes de Mediano Plazo : documento de trabajo 

      Chon Yamasato, Enrique (Ministerio de Educación, 2006-09)
      El presente documento cuenta con cuatro capítulos: el primero es de presentación del objetivo, antecedentes, y marco institucional, de forma tal que facilite al lector la introducción en el tema. En el segundo capítulo se ...
    • A subjetivação da criança escolar : um estudo sobre o tempo de latência 

      Drügg, Angela Maria Schneider (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Educação. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2007)
      A presente pesquisa consiste num estudo sobre o processo de constituição psíquica da criança em idade escolar a partir do conceito tempo de latência, buscando articulá-lo ao processo de escolarização da infância. Situa o ...
    • Subjetivação docente: a singularidade constituída na relação entre o professor e a escola 

      Souza, Irene Garcia Costa de (Universidade de São Paulo, 2012)
      A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo mapear os processos de subjetivação docente na escola de Educação Infantil da Cidade de São Paulo a partir de dois eixos: eu profissional que analisa a trajetória até a docência de ...
    • Subjetividad, socialización política y derechos en la escuela 

      Palacios-Mena, Nancy; Herrera-González, José Darío (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2013)
      Este artículo es producto de la revisión del debate sobre la constitución de la subjetividad política, la socialización y la reivindicación de derechos en la escuela secundaria en el contexto colombiano. Su objetivo es ...