Now showing items 4935-4954 of 9723

    • How much do tertiary students pay and what public support do they receive? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2016-05)
      OECD countries differ significantly in the way spending on tertiary education is shared between public and private sources of funding, and in the financial support they provide to students. Countries with high tuition fees ...
    • How much of a problem is bullying at school? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2017-07)
      For the first time, the 2015 round of PISA collected data on students’ exposure to bullying. These data show that bullying is widespread. On average across OECD countries, around 11% of students reported that they are ...
    • How Much Time Do Teachers Spend on Teaching and Non-teaching Activities? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2015-02)
      The annual number of teaching hours of teachers differs greatly from one country to another and tends to decrease as the level of education increases. On average across countries, teachers spend half of their working time ...
    • How Often Is the Misfit of Item Response Theory Models Practically Significant? 

      Sinharay, Sandip; Haberman, Shelby J. (National Council on Measurement in Education, 2014)
      Standard 3.9 of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999) demands evidence of model fit when item response theory (IRT) models are employed to data from tests. Hambleton and Han (2005) and Sinharay ...
    • How openness impacts on higher education 

      UNESCO. Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO, 2014)
      The concept of openness is usually discussed in relation to technological developments that facilitated its emergence (Peter and Deimann, 2013), in particular, the rise of digital technology and the Internet, which are ...
    • How Shanghai does it : insights and lessons from the highest-ranking education system in the world 

      Liang, Xiaoyan; Kidwai, Huma; Zhang, Minxuan (World Bank, 2016)
      This report, how Shanghai does it: insights and lessons from the highest-ranking education system in the world, presents an in-depth examination of how students in Shanghai achieved the highest scores in the areas of ...
    • How teachers and schools innovate : New measures in TALIS 2018 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2019-04)
      TALIS aims to measure two points of interest: the degree to which innovation is implemented in learning environments, and the conditions for innovation in schools and classrooms. The former is examined through teachers’ ...
    • How teachers teach and students learn : successful strategies for School 

      Echazarra, Alfonso; Salinas, Daniel; Méndez, Ildefonso; Denis, Vanessa; Rech, Giannina (OECD, 2016-03)
      This paper examines how particular teaching and learning strategies are related to student performance on specific PISA test questions, particularly mathematics questions. The report compares teacher-directed instruction ...
    • How Technology Changes Demands for Human Skills 

      Levy, Frank (OECD, 2010-03)
      This paper places the competencies to be measured by the OECD’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) in the context of the technological developments which are reshaping the nature of ...
    • How Universities Promote Economic Growth 

      Yusuf, Shahid, ed.; Nabeshima, Kaoru, ed. (World Bank, 2007)
      This study was initiated in 1999 with the objective of identifying the most promising path to development in light of emerging global and regional changes. The purpose of this volume is to examine the role of universities ...
    • How “green” are today’s 15-year-olds? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012-04)
      Across OECD countries, around one in five students is consistently able to identify, explain and apply scientific concepts related to a variety of environmental topics. In Canada, Finland and Japan, over a third of ...
    • La huallata y el zorro. Cuento No. 22 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección General de Educación Básica Regular. Dirección de Educación Inicial; Del Águila Hidalgo, Cucha (PEMinisterio de Educación, 2012)
      Cuento para niños y niñas de 3, 4 y 5 años sobre el entorno del niño (versión en castellano), cuya finalidad es brindarles la oportunidad de acercarse al mundo escrito y leer con diversos propósitos (informarse, disfrutar, ...
    • Huancavelica : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (MINEDU, 2015)
      Reúne información estadística relevante de la situación actual de la educación de la región Huancavelica, ha sido hecho para servir como una guía informativa amigable de todos aquellos actores de la región que puedan influir ...
    • Huancavelica : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 2016  

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (Ministerio de Educación, 2017)
      Indicadores de insumos de Huancavelica: Financiamiento: En el 2015, la tasa media de crecimiento anual del gasto público educativo por alumno tuvo un crecimiento sostenido, llegando a ser 6.4 veces mayor que en el 2005 en ...
    • Huánuco : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (MINEDU, 2015)
      Reúne información estadística relevante de la situación actual de la educación de la región Huánuco, ha sido hecho para servir como una guía informativa amigable de todos aquellos actores de la región que puedan influir ...
    • Huánuco : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 2016 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (Ministerio de Educación, 2017)
      Indicadores de insumos de Huánuco: Financiamiento: En el 2015, la tasa media de crecimiento anual del gasto público educativo por alumno creció, llegando a ser 6.4 veces mayor que en el 2005 en inicial, 4.1 veces mayor en ...
    • Huk atuqsi munasqa killapa warma yanan kayta. Willakuy 7, Quechua Huánuco 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección General de Educación Básica Regular. Dirección de Educación Inicial (PEMinisterio de Educación, 2009)
      Cuento para niños y niñas de 3, 4 y 5 años sobre su entorno y sus vivencias (versión en quechua), cuya finalidad es brindarles la oportunidad de acercarse al mundo escrito y leer con diversos propósitos (informarse, ...
    • Huk kutis kaq kasqa = Había una vez. Literatura 2 quechua collao 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación; Taylor, Gerald; Alosilla Morales, Carmen Gladis; Chuquimamani Valer, Nonato Rufino; Choque Valer, Victoria (Ministerio de Educación, 2018-03)
      Contiene leyendas, poesías, fábulas, cuentos, relatos, creencias y otros para estimular la lectura en quechua collao.
    • Huk kutis kaq kasqa. Literatura 1 - 5° Primaria - Quechua collao 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección General de Educación Básica Alternativa, Intercultural Bilingüe y de Servicios Educativos en el Ámbito Rural. Dirección de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe; Chuquimamani Valer, Nonato Rufino; Alosilla Morales, Carmen Gladis; Choque Valer, Victoria; Surco Champi, Manuel; Surco Casanova, Juan; Araoz Chacón, Víctor; Quispe Cruz, Bertha; Huarac Chalco, Américo; Quishpe, Nancy; Flores Ylla, Ysaías (PEMinisterio de Educación, 2023-09)
      Material educativo en lengua originaria quechua collao.
    • Human Development : Different Perspectives 

      Seidl-de-Moura, Maria Lucia (InTech Open, 2012-05)
      Human development has different meanings depending on the area we focus on. To the psychologists it is the ontogenetic process of individual development. It considers systematic psychological changes that occur in human ...