Now showing items 728-747 of 9876

    • Archivos y bibliotecas : memoria histórica y educación literaria 

      Nuñez, Gabriel; Souza, Renata Junqueira de; Girotto, Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simões (Universidade de Uberaba, 2012)
      Este artículo, como su título indica, trata de presentar la importancia de la revitalización de las bibliotecas y archivos (en su génesis, el origen y la conservación) como fuentes para la investigación literaria e histórica, ...
    • Are 15-year-olds creative problem-solvers? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2014-04)
      To do well on PISA’s first assessment of creative problem-solving skills, students need to be open to novelty, tolerate doubt and uncertainty, and dare to use intuition to initiate a solution. Just because a student performs ...
    • Are boys and girls ready for the digital age? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012-01)
      More than 17% of students in Australia, Korea and New Zealand are top performers in digital reading, while fewer than 3% of students in Austria, Chile and Poland are. On average, girls outperform boys in digital reading; ...
    • Are countries moving towards more equitable education systems? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2013-02)
      PISA results show that no country or economy has reached the goal of creating a completely equitable education system, but some are much closer than others. Some countries and economies have shown that improvements in ...
    • Are disadvantaged students given equal opportunities to learn mathematics? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2016-06)
      Some 65% of socio-economically advantaged students reported that they know well or have often heard of the concept of quadratic function, on average across OECD countries; but only 43% of disadvantaged students so reported. ...
    • Are disadvantaged students more likely to repeat grades? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2015-02)
      One in eight students across OECD countries has repeated a grade at least once before the age of 15. Many countries reduced the rate of grade repetition between 2003 and 2012. One in five disadvantaged 15-year-olds has ...
    • Are grouping and selecting students for different schools related to students’ motivation to learn? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2014-05)
      On average across OECD countries, students who are highly motivated to learn mathematics because they believe it will help them later on score better in mathematics – by the equivalent of half a year of schooling – than ...
    • Are large cities educational assets or liabilities? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012-06)
      Large cities are generally educational assets: in most countries, performance improves dramatically when only the scores of students in urban areas are considered, although this is not the case in some countries, such as ...
    • Are Latin American Children’s Reading Skills Improving? Highlights from the Second and Third Regional Comparative and Explanatory Studies(SERCE & TERCE) 

      Ganimian, Alejandro J.; UNESCO. Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (UNESCO, 2016-07)
      The document presents a summary of highlights from the TERCE reading results as an input to and stimulus for discussions of early grade reading in the region, and to demonstrate the ever more urgent need to improve reading ...
    • Are low performers missing learning opportunities? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2016-05)
      In almost every country and economy that participated in PISA 2012, low performers showed less perseverance than better-performing students. For instance, about 32% of low performers said they give up on solving problems ...
    • Are Public Libraries Improving Quality of Education? : When the Provision of Public Goods is Not Enough 

      Rodriguez Lesmes, Paul; Trujillo, José Daniel; Valderrama, Daniel (World Bank, 2015-09)
      This paper analyzes the relation between public, education-related infrastructure and the quality of education in schools. The analysis uses a case study of the establishment of two large, high-quality public libraries ...
    • Are school vouchers associated with equity in education? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012-09)
      Privately managed schools tend to attract more advantaged student populations; but the difference between the socio-economic profiles of public and private schools is narrowed when privately managed schools receive higher ...
    • Are students happy? PISA 2015 results : students’ well-being 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2017-04)
      Schools are not only places where students acquire academic skills; they are also social environments where children can develop the social and emotional competencies that they need to thrive. Yet despite the global interest ...
    • Are students more engaged when schools offer extracurricular activities? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2012-07)
      Around 90% of students in OECD countries attend schools that offer field trips to places where students can learn about scientific principles and concepts. In most countries, science-related extracurricular activities at ...
    • Are there differences in how advantaged and disadvantaged students use the Internet? 

      OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2016-07)
      Even when all students, including the most disadvantaged, have easy access to the Internet, a digital divide, based on socio-economic status, still persists in how students use technology. In the five Nordic countries, as ...
    • Arequipa : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (MINEDU, 2015)
      Reúne información estadística relevante de la situación actual de la educación de la región Arequipa, ha sido hecho para servir como una guía informativa amigable de todos aquellos actores de la región que puedan influir ...
    • Arequipa : ¿cómo vamos en educación? 2016 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Unidad de Estadística (Ministerio de Educación, 2017)
      Indicadores de insumos de Arequipa: Financiamiento: entre 2006 y 2015, la tasa media de crecimiento anual del gasto público educativo por alumno fue de 15% en inicial, y 10% en primaria y secundaria. Además, el gasto de ...
    • Arguedas, entre el fuego y el amor : textos seleccionados para estudiantes de Educación Básica 

      Perú. Ministerio de Educación. Dirección Regional de Educación de Amazonas (PEDirección Regional de Educación de Amazonas, 2021)
      Busca acercar la obra de José María Arguedas a los estudiantes y profesores con el fin de que más personas lean sus obras y, motivados por la lectura de los textos de esta selección, busquen otros libros del autor.
    • Argumentación matemática en los libros de texto de la enseñanza media 

      Llanos, Viviana Carolina; Otero, Maria Rita; Banks Leite, Luci (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, 2007)
      Esta investigación estudia los problemas que surgen en torno a la argumentación matemática empleada por los libros de texto para la educación media. Se analizan (N = 137) textos escolares realizando una categorización ...
    • Argumentación: objeto olvidado para la investigación en México 

      Monzón Laurencio, Luis Antonio (Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2011)
      La argumentación ha sido, desde los inicios de la cultura occidental, una herramienta fundamental de pensamiento y parte de los estudios universitarios que hoy en día enfrentan diversos retos, algunos de los cuales requieren ...